
A Cheerful Heart

My dear friend Lynnie, dubbed as "book lady," has a heart so cheerful it shines wherever she goes.  Even if plans are waylaid or aborted, her brilliant smiles and disposition make people feel everything will be okay. 

After choosing to stay single for some time, while focused and immersed in ministry, the Lord sent her "The One." Lynnie decided to marry Doug, a widower with three adult children. Circumstances after circumstances brought them together, as though these were being divinely orchestrated.  

Lynnie realized (an epiphany!) she was meant to have Doug as her life partner, “He is a missionary and I work on events for Christian organizations, we should be able to support each other’s ministry." 

On their wedding day, put together by friends of both, the sun glowed on the beautiful garden where they were to exchange vows. As though on cue, however, the rain pelted; the officiating pastor suggested to shorten the ceremony. 

But the couple said, “No, all or nothing!” 

Umbrellas sprang up all over the place, and under these umbrellas they committed their union to God. 

What the videos/photos showed was glorious celebration. Everybody—guests, bridal entourage, and especially the bride and the groom—seemed to welcome the showers of blessing. The joy was palpable. Wet faces were full of mirth and laughter. 

It was a happy thanksgiving to the God of love Who chose one for the other. All other peripherals—clothes, hairdos, décor, physical arrangements, etc.—faded into insignificance.  

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.” (Psalm 37:4-6) 

At her wedding, Lynnie’s cheerful heart radiated so brightly, even the weather was illumined by it.    

Reflect and pray: 

How can I develop a cheerful heart to encourage others to do the same?  


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