
PINK-Palette Phenomenon

For whatever reason, or by coincidence, the color pink (in every shade possible) was what people used in memes and images urging VP Leni Robredo to run for president. 

When Leni finally filed her certificate of candidacy on October 7, 2021, pink organically became her official color, sans deliberate planning. She simply went with the tide.  

She lamented her lack of campaign resources that the others have. As though on cue, volunteerism took on a life of its own.  

The movement, as many friends described the spectacle, so stunned me I immediately blogged about it. I called it a phenomenal pink-palette frenzy, for lack of better and more powerful words. 

But one blog is not enough.

The rise of pink (caravans, posters, community events, slogans, convergences, etc. on land, air, and sea) here and abroad has gone unabated till today. The creativity—from all walks of life and professions, in both words and pictures—is unparalleled. 

Here are some that my aging hands and fingers could put together in a collage. Each photo reminds me of grace, giving me hope in various ways through various means.  

This has gone beyond Leni, who exhorts her supporters, "Madaling makipagtalo, mas radical ang magmahal!" (Arguing is easy, but it is more radical to love.)  

This pink-palette phenomenon is about people uniting for a kindhearted, compassionate, and more humane Philippines.  This is about us fighting for good values in governance. 

The Lord exhorts us in Philippians 2:2, "Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." 

Photo credits: all grabbed and borrowed from various socmed posts 

1 comment:

  1. Pink Ribbons symbolize not only Breast Cancer Awareness. To me they symbolize the Filipino's fight against the Social Cancer that has been eating up our country.
