

When the color pink exploded on socmed, I thought it was a fluke. It's been almost two months and the endless explosion is almost deafening.  

And then there was an explosion of an ugly kind in the political scene.

Some candidates (their powerful names appear on popular vlogs and news sites, but they remain unnamed on this blogsite on grace) withdrew their candidacy and substituted for unknowns who were used as placeholders till these superstars made up their minds. 

These are just some of the reactions I culled from various sources: 

"It is a mockery of the electoral process!" 
"It is an affront to the voters!" 
"It is about greed for power—not service to country."   

Whatever their reasons, I have decided not to cause my blood pressure to rise. So I will focus on pink, the color of hope, symbolized by VP Leni Robredo, my candidate for president.  

Why Leni? 

She espouses all the values my parents taught me and which the Lord inscribed in my heart. Her plans and platforms dovetail with my dreams for the country. Most importantly, her significant achievements and passion to serve speak of the kind of president she would be.  

As congresswoman in the 16th congress, Leni wrote the comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Bill (HB3432), and authored, among others: 

- The Full Disclosure Bill (HB 19)
- The People Empowerment Bill (HB4911) 

Even if her job description as VP specifies "spare tire" in case anything happens to the president, she rolled up her sleeves and went to work, especially during the pandemic. 

Her Angat-Buhay Program has benefited 83,707 families across the country in its first year of implementation. 

The Office of the Vice President (OVP) has provided free shuttle services for frontliners and emergency workers, delivered 7,350 PPEs to nine hospitals, and provided care packages for health workers and their families. The OVP has likewise conducted free swab tests in various areas. 

During the several disasters that plagued the country (along with the pandemic), she delivered food and other goods to the victims. Many big companies coursed their donations through the OVP. 

All these expenses—up to the single centavo—have been accounted for. The OVP has been consistently given the highest rating by the Commission on Audit.  

These are just some of my researched data about her. There are more, but I usually keep one post to 500 words.

Why Leni? If not, who? 

No candidate can match her zeal in serving the people with limited budget.  

Now that the campaign is in full swing, I am dazzled by the number of PINKplosions mounted by volunteers, who shoulder their own expenses. I am documenting them, but then, again, they seem to be bottomless; it is difficult to catch all in several blogs (this is my fourth to date, and it won't be the last). 

PINKplosion, no less, in 50 photos: 

"The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil." 1 Peter 3:12 (NLT)

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