
Refreshment on Saturday Nights

Before the pandemic, I blogged about this special night. 

Three years later, I find myself pining for those nights when we could physically converge in every member's home, round-robin hosting.  

The pandemic stopped those nights, but not the meetings. Our venue simply shifted online. 

As we struggle over another coronavirus variant, Omicron, that has raised the number of infections and deaths in the last three months, we still link-up. There are problems that prevent us from doing so regularly—bad internet connections, upended schedules, illnesses, migration abroad, and work-from-home jobs—but we keep trying. 

After a toxic week reading about pandemic data and hearing about loved ones getting sick or perishing, this night is my oasis, where the grace of soul-nourishing refreshment is abundant. We call our group (a part of our church's cottage ministry) the Reuben Tribe.  

Yes, on Saturday nights, the Reuben Tribe comes together to arm its members, so they will have the strength to battle the dangers of the world outside (on top of the pandemic, the political campaign has fomented fierce fighting, worsened by cursing, name-calling, and mud-slinging). 

We focus on the Word, comfort each other, and pray to the One Whose grace controls all. 

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 ESV

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