
What Award Do You Treasure Most?

My friend, Ardy Roberto, the moving force behind "Project Author," invited me to one of his online meetings with would-be authors (halfway through their first book), to share writing tips for quick results.  Meaning, how to finish a manusript that is precariously teetering between busyness and procrastination. 

It was in the Q&A portion when I was asked: "What is your most treasured award?"  

“Award I treasure most,” I repeated his words and chewed on it. 

“Yeah,” he said. “You’ve had many, but you must have a favorite.” 

Right then and there, it dawned on me that more than all the awards and recognition I have received for my books, what I treasure most are . . . 

“Letters,” I replied. “Notes, messages, and written feedback from my readers. These are what keep me writing.”  

I stockpile them in shoe boxes (yes, I print the digital ones) and when I feel low or fearful about anything (the bedlam created by the virus, for instance), I re-read some and my adrenaline kicks in again.   

As I pursue writing about God’s grace in both storybooks for children and inspirational books for adults, He reminds me that my job is singularly focused on "selling" hope. So He sends me treasures such as these: 

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."
(Colossians 3:23-24 ESV) 


  1. I saw your blog 2 years ago and I'm glad it is still active. I just want you to know that your stories have been may daughter's favorite bedtime stories since her toddler years. She even memorized some parts of Angel with One Foot because it's the one I read most often (my favorite ��). She is now 9 years old and I have granted her wish of more Oh Mateo books for Christmas. She has a letter for you, please let me know where I can send it. Thank you for sharing your gift to us and have a blessed new year.

  2. Dear Sherwin,

    Thank you for your kind words. I am always delighted to hear about dads reading to their kids (!) and of course, kids learning from my books. As I wrote on this blog, letters such as yours and those from children are my most treasured awards.

    I would be very happy to receive the letter from your daughter. You may take a photo of it and send it as an attachment to my FB Messenger: Grace D. Chong; or my email address--gdchong@gmail.com

    Again, thank you so much for this message. It made my day!

