
PINK Minds Think Alike

Long ago, you could gain a friend through snail mail anywhere in the world, without ever seeing him. He was called a pen pal. Those days are gone now. For the longest time, our friends were those within our circles.

Then social media redefined "friend" as someone on your "friends' list" and privy to your posts. I have had a few friend requests now and then . . .

 . . . but never like this! 

Days after VP Leni filed her Certificate of Candidacy for president, I have been deluged with friend requests. Suspicious of scammers, I first visit their walls.  

Why, they are all of PINK Minds! These are people who share my values, love this country, are judicious decision makers, and want an honest governance.  

Why would they want me to be their friend? They must have visited my wall, read my posts and blogs, and saw my PINK mind, which matches theirs.  

Accept. Accept. Accept. I couldn't click accept fast enough.

And today, I have many, many friends, with whom I share VP Leni pages. All posts are unifying:  concerns are appeased, successes are toasted, impatience are pacified, and values are affirmed. Words of apology (over words that  might have offended a sensitive soul), are profuse.  

PINK pages are where we hold each other up. Here, we learn about voluntary contributions; feeding events at the host's expense; pink parol hung on fences and trees; jingles and videos produced pro-bono; tarps and comic books given away; plus more.  

Here, we know by heart her 8-pronged program if electedunder the omnibus tagline, Gobyernong Tapat, Angat Buhay Lahat (A sincere government ushers in a better life for all). 

When handled with commitment and compassion, these will raise our standard of living:   

1) Jobs 
2) Housing 
3) Security
4) Health
5) Education
6) Food 
7) Environment
8) Infrastructure/Technology 

Often, we are hurled with insults, nasty remarks, laughing emojis, profanities, non-sensical gobbledygook, and disparagement from rubble rousers (or even friends from a different camp) and paid trolls. Some try to talk sense into them. But when these are met with derision, I delete and block them.  

That's our community of PINK minds. We call each other kakampink, our Filipino version of bosom buddy. 

It is my safe place. It is where grace turns up in comforting words of hope and peace. It came just as I was at my wit's end over failed governance, on the verge of losing my moral compass amidst a crippling pandemic. 

"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works." Hebrews 10:24 (NLT) 

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