
The 7 Things the Lord Detests

As I read Proverbs 6:16-19 (NLT), I shivered. The words hit a little too close to home. They’re on the Net and newspaper editorials almost every day. 

They describe how our country’s leaders behave on TV or on video, the media where we see them during the pandemic. 

“There are six things the Lord hates—no, seven things he detests:

Haughty eyes. They glare at us as though nobody but they have a say on how our country should be run, or that their opinions are gospel truth.  

Lying tongue. How many times have we caught them making pronouncements, but the facts say otherwise? “We will solve graft and corruption in three years, bad traffic in three months, the drug problem in two years." It’s been six years and corruption, traffic, and drugs are nowhere close to being solved. In fact, they are worse. No corrupt official or drug lord has been punished. 

Hands that kill the innocent. There are over 122 minors killed in the war on drugs in the last five years; many others have been killed without due process. One of the most sacred principles in our criminal justice system is that a defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. 

A heart that plots evil. The national elections will happen three months from today, and already many are plotting against and vilifying possible candidates to influence voters. Social media, particularly FB, found around 600 fake news websites and 10,000+ fake news stories from 2015 to 2018 alone.  

Feet that race to do wrong. Because elective positions are short, a number of politicians amass wealth that’s more than they could earn in their lifetime within a three-year term. Just take a look at their Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN).  

A false witness who pours out lies. High-profile inmates, including murder and  drug lord convicts, testified against Senator Leila de Lima’s alleged involvement in drugs. The lady senator is still in jail five years hence. But those inmates have been transferred out of the penal facility and are now in more comfortable quarters. 

A person who sows discord in the family. Unfounded gossip about politicians’ “indiscretions” have resulted in broken homes. 

Now, how about ordinary people? These seven abominations may be in us, too. 

So why does God bother with sinful us, mortals with human heart? Mystifying grace. 

“What are mere mortals that you should think about them, or a son of man that you should care for him?” (Hebrews 2:6 NLT) 

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