
The Times They Are a-PINKin'

If you are a millennial, you won't know Bob Dylan. But those who were already humans (as I was) in the 60's, he was a respected celebrity—a Nobel and Grammy awardee.  

Now 80 years old, Bob Dylan is an American singer-songwriter, author and a visual artist, often referred to as one of the greatest songwriters of all time. His protest songs challenged the wrongs of the establishment. He encouraged people to change with the times. 

For me, his song, The Times They are a-Changin', is specially relevant today in our Philippine political platform. 

The last stanza is eerily true: 

The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin'
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin

I am taking the liberty of substituting a-changin' to a-PINKin', because the pink movement is changing many voters' mindset. Women were branded by macho society to be weak leaders, the same way that presidential candidate VP Leni is being diminished.  

But times are a-PINKin'. 
On social media, we see changes in people (I have recently gained over 200 pink-minded friends who know and fight for issues that benefit the marginalized) in never-before-possible ways. 

For years, the moral decay in our country has been breaking down relationships. On national TV, a stream of vitriol from the presidential sanctum, aimed at anyone who suggests new ways of doing things, has been constant. Many kith and kin have lost hope and emigrated abroad because of flagrant corruption that inflict deeper pain upon a suffering populace. 

But "the order is rapidly a-changin'."  

By God's merciful grace, those who are lording it over by foul means now, "will later be last, for the times are a-PINKin'." 

Change will not happen overnight. But pink is the color of hope.   

VP Leni's slogan says it all: Gobyernong tapat, angat buhay lahat!  (Rough translation: A lawful/honest government brings about better lives for all.)  

Scripture tells us that God always does new things. He never changes, but as He reveals layers upon layers of the truth, we experience aspects of God and His salvation in brand-new ways and depths.

"And the one sitting on the throne said, 'Look, I am making everything new!'” (Revelation 21:5 NLT) 

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