
Son, Mother: Hope for a PINK Future

When this photo (snapped by Aica Dioquino) first passed through my FB wall, I didn’t dare blink. Is this for real? 

It tugged at my heart as both a mother now and as a child then. From whichever point of view, the photo was grace beyond telling. 

I saw my young, innocent face full of joy and optimism for the future. At the same time, I glimpsed my old, lined face reaching out to the dreamer, ecouraging him, “There is hope, son. There is hope for a rosy furutre.” 

I may be waxing nostalgic and sentimental, bordering on maudlin, but these are the emotions that often visit me (sometimes they overstay) these days of feverish campaigning for our next president and team. 

In all my years as a voting citizen, I have never helped in any campaign as much as I am doing now: being a keyboard warrior (blogging, forwarding, messaging, liking, and all the “ings” you can think of when one faces the computer monitor); spending for PINK parol and tarps and giving them away; convincing individuals to help in re-sculpting  our beloved Philippines back to the good values that should always be our essence.    

These are painted in PINK words so eloquently in a POEM by Pablo Tariman, entitled “Snapshot.”  
Over five million other people (and counting) as of today, who saw this photo on their wall, are one in lauding Tariman's words, which mirror our own hope for a PINK future.  
"As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you." (Isaiah 66:13 NIV)

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