
Forever PINK, Forever Grateful

The elections are over and soon, winners will be installed. My PINK candidates, except for one senator (Risa Hontiveros), lost big time. Rumors of cheating are still too loud but I have plugged my ears to mute them. 

I grieved with my kakampinks (kindred spirits), and up to this day, many are still grieving. I buried myself in writing and reading the Book of Job—our Sunday school lesson, which I need to study deeply because I happen to be the teacher. 

So from today, when I say PINK, I no longer refer to the campaign. I refer to HOPE, which pink has come to symbolize. Now, whenever I catch sight of the color PINK, I will remember to hold on to HOPE—hope for people to see and follow the Light, before their earthy life ends. 

Through this political campaign, the first I have ever been involved in, I have seen the magnitude of evil around us. With fake news, lies, cheating, anger, and rudeness as my daily staple, I had been grieiving long before our great loss. 

Just in time, a passage in one of Pastor P. Arnel Tan’s books reminded me, “It is only through the lens of grace that you and I can see something beautiful so clearly despite the overwhelming evil around us.” 

That, plus my current Bible readings and my journey as a Christian, impressed on me the reason why I write: to help heal

I am to share HOPE for people to dream of a forever life, ever after. Whatever sufferings we may experience in this life, exacerbated by the leaders the majority has chosen, if the Lord allows them (as He did in Job’s life), I will remain forever hopeful, forever grateful.  

Before I close my chapter on the PINK campaign, I am posting photos of typical moments of HOPE (there were tons of these!) that lit the darkness.

“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” (Ephesians 5:8 ESV)

Photo credits: Not one of the photos is mine. I borrowed all from posts of kakampinks. Thank you so much. 

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