
Philippines My PINKlippines

The polling places have closed and vote transmissions have begun. 

We have cast our votes. We have taken a stand, praying on our knees that this will be a better country with new, sincere leaders who will drive us forward to a future better than the grinder we have been through in the last six years. 

It will be difficult to re-build an ailing  economy that is still saddled with the pandemic. And it will even be more difficult to improve our moral compass, which has sunk so low (with social media language and manners, plus fake videos as ugly proofs). 

But if anything, this is what the PINK campaign has taught me: look back to the old adage of “hope springs eternal.” Although it is so easy to fall in love with VP leni because of her humility, her values, work ethics, and track record, it wasn't her person we supported. It was what she represented and the hope she inspired in us. 

I, and my dear kakampink friends, are going to bed tonight hoping for . . .
  • A rose-colored Philippines—with compassionate new leaders, whose platforms that were laid out during the campaign will be fullfilled and provide people the service we so need.  
  • Better hearts—of grace-reliant citizens who will embrace the culture of radical love and volunteerism, as modeled by many during the PINK campaign. 
Before we hit the sack, I wish to thank, via virtual hugs, all co-volunteers in my close circles, who helped in various ways (why does this sound like a graduation speech?), for their passion and determination. They rubbed off on me! I will miss the urgent GCs and timelines—the assignments, to-do lists, prayer brigades, debriefings, and "cry me a river" moments, which is happening to me now, as I write this.     

All these, plus the macro view of the PINK wave, contributed to my new badge of courage: Never despair; keep praying; there is HOPE.  

The election or selection process today, May 9, is the backdrop of a political renaissance. Win or lose.
“. . . select from all the people some capable, honest men who fear God and hate bribes. Appoint them as leaders over groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten.” (Exodus 18:21 NLT)

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