
Profile Photos turn PINK

Am I dreaming? I thought, as I rubbed my eyes.  

Upon getting out of bed early yesterday morning, I visited my FB page. I was surprised to find my wall all PINK! Majority of my friends have changed their profile pictures, and I was even more pleasantly surprised that kith and kin, who were unPINKable in the past, have likewise joined the PINK bandwagon.

Metaphorically, they have answered the call of VP Leni and Sen Kiko to hop in the ride zooming toward a rosy future. 

Without missing a beat, before I tackled breakfast, I changed my own—a bit challenging for a non-techie, but I did it! Upload. 

After hurriedly slurping my coffee, I revisited my wall, and was surprised anew at the many heart emojis this new profile pic got and is getting—like a fountain of grace. Scrolling down, more PINK photos materialized.

And more pleasant surprises:  

Several kakampinks (online friends, whom I have never met in person) messaged me and asked how I did my profile pic. I sent the link and an easy tutorial. But some messaged back with their photos and said they are technically challenged and could I please do it for them? 

I’d do anything for the PINK campaign. 

Collages of profile pics with the same PINK frame have emerged. One claimed, “There are now over two million of these.” Whether he was kidding or not, I am borrowing some—to remind me, years from now, that at one point in our political history, social media was painted with the color PINK, visually demonstrating unity in our quest for good and honest leaders to run the country we live in. 

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1 NLT) 

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, it is exciting to cover, frame and edge our profile pictures pink. I had a bit of a hard time too but I was so discriminate with what I would use so it took more time. Exciting really!
