
What Will They PINK of Next?

Creativity is immeasurable.  

The breadth and depth of brilliant ideas by kakampinks (co-volunteers in the presidential campaign) can't be measured by any stretch of the imagination.  

When I hoot and applaud, believing I have seen the best, they outdo themselves over and over again. What will they think of next? 

As a creative director in my past life,  I preached creativity at every turn. “Anyone who is in this creative department should have an endless supply of light bulbs!” 

The light bulb, as we know it, is the universal symbol for innovation, intelligence, aha! moment, problem solving, and wisdom.   

It is likewise regarded as a metaphor for God’s grace. When switched on, it illumines a dark path, and suddenly, we receive a burst of enlightenment to find our way. 

I have been out of the workplace for sometime, so the inexhaustible light bulbs of VP Leni’s supporters are reminiscent of what I used to demand from my myself and my staff. But there is a chasm between then and now. 

Then: we did it for the job—we were handsomely paid for it. 

Now: kakampinks are doing it for love of country—unpaid; in fact, they shoulder the cost.   

I have no space big enough or the facility to document the slew of creative output—from over a hundred songs, testimonies, ads, books, blogs, flash mobs, works of art, and varied performances recorded on video—so I’m limiting these to only 60 representative images by kids and adults alike: 

Before I could post this blog, a photo caught my eye on FB. It won't make it to my collage, so I am uploading it solo. The caption reads, Jopay, a Sugbuanon volunteer designer for the Leni-Kiko tandem, flaunts her masterpiece at the "Kiko Rally in Cebu," May 4. 

This campaign has taught us that creativity is God’s gift to all. What one has to do is use it not for its own sake, but for serving others—in this case, creating something extraordinary to help elect good, honest leaders who will usher in a better life for all. 

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace . . .” (1 Peter 4:10 ESV) 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog, so well written. Indeed, bright ideals in all subjects just light up, like plants, they just sprout. Truly amazing, unbelievable, unprecedented and we see it almost everywhere. Everyone , all sectors came up with their own gimmick in their field of expertise. This is once in a lifetime that an ordinary citizen who is selfless and only care for the good of all can inspire people in all walks of life. We shall not let this pass us, we must make it work, we must win!
