
Kidnap for Ransom

Kidnappers choose victims who they think can afford to pay a ransom.

A recent case of kidnap for ransom (2019), reported in newspapers and on TV, happened near Monterrey, Mexico. It involved American Shane Andersen, who moved there to open a chain of pizzerias. 

Anderson and a friend were going fishing when a truck—with three young men carrying  rifles—pulled up and kidnapped them. During their captivity, Anderson was in constant prayer and constant fear. The kidnappers demanded $20,000 for his ransom, and negotiated with his co-worker for an expensive family car in exchange for his life. 

During the ordeal, Andersen’s friend was able to escape. Now left alone with the kidnappers, Andersen knew that God was with him when a young boy, whom he befriended, pleaded to the kidnappers to spare their captive’s life during the negotiation process.

In all, the kidnappers were paid $6,000 by Anderson’s boss. In addition, Andersen gave his wedding ring valued at $7,000. Andersen’s new young friend helped him get to a nearby city. In just over 36 hours, God delivered Andersen safely home.  

The kidnappers priced Andersen’s life at $13,000. That’s a pittance compared to the value God places on each of us. Our worth is not measured in terms of money but by Jesus’ sublime act of grace on our behalf.   

“. . . God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.” (1 Peter 1:18-19 NLT)

That is how much we are worth to God. He paid a ransom nobody could ever think of or afford to give. He gave us His life.  

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