
Rhodophobia: Fear of PINK

Funny? It should be. In the context of the PINK campaign, this should be hilarious. 

This is not meant to trivialize phobias, because they exist and cause great mental anguish. A phobia is a serious matter as it can happen along with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If someone is traumatized by an event associated with anything, it results in an intense fear of it. 

But fear of the color PINK?! 

Trolls are paid an enormous amount of money to demonize VP Leni, who personified this color during the presidential campaign, on all media 24/7. Fake news, spliced videos, manufactured sex scenes and numbers, photoshopped images, malevolent caricatures, and all kinds of vitriol—name it, they had everything, including the kitchen sink, thrown at her and anyone PINK. To my deep anguish, I was not spared from curses and unspeakable language because of my favorable comments about VP Leni’s advocacies and platforms.  

These unprecedented and orchestrated maneuvers of a most evil kind could only be caused by fear of the PINK wave.

But why? All cards are stacked in their favor.   

Power: Political bigwigs, then and now, have banded together for them.  

Numbers:  Their votes, as released by Comelec, are more than twice those of the lady's. 

Money:  According to trolls, they have tons of gold. The lady had only PINK volunteers who offered their services free and spent for materials and logistics.  

Unity: That was their singular promise to voters during the campaign. The implementation should now be in place. 

This intense fear, although disguised as extreme hatred, comes from somewhere. They know what it is, and it's eating them up.  

VP Leni has been serving the marginalized, and always quick to come to the recue of disaster victims, for so many years. Instead of gratitude, the scared cabal gave the lady nicknames like “fake VP” “lutang” “madumb” “bobo” “tanga” “mistress” and many more unprintable barbs.  

So, okay, the election is over. The trolls’ candidate for president has been acknowledged as winner by  the voting machines. It should be the end of the story, right? 

Wrong. This fear has worsened. More than ever, the massive trolling has intensified—all of the lady's activites and messages are twisted to make her look brainless and useless. The PINK wave must be really terrifying; they're shaking in their boots. 

It’d be so easy for us to say “Woe unto those who suffer from rhodophobia!” 

But VP Leni begs us not to do what they do. She wants us to push back and straighten out  misinformation—in ways that enlighten, inspire, educate, and heal. Tough order. 

If you are a kakampink, you and I know that the easiest way to push back is to give the haters a dose of their own medicine (please pardon the cliché). But then, again, we live by grace and help promote good values. We are PINK. 

We are not the same.

“Don’t do as the wicked do, and don’t follow the path of evildoers. Don’t even think about it; don’t go that way. Turn away and keep moving.” (Proverbs 4:14-15 NLT)

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