
We Wear PINK on June 30, 2022

This announcement must have passed my socmed wall a hundred times from different kakampinks since mid-June. What's so important about today? It is the swearing in of our voting-machine-anointed president. 

And so I wear PINK. 

Rather, my blog site, which reflects my swirling thoughts (I write PINK blogs to talk to myself; it's my self-prescribed therapy for post-election syndrome) wears PINK. 

Today, too, VP Leni steps down to begin Angat Buhay NGO tomorrow as citizen Leni. Words are unnecessary, except for a most heartfelt thanksgiving to the One whose grace enables us to keep working—and safeguarding our hope—for a rosy/healthy Philippines.

"I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving." (Psalm 69:30) 

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