
A PINK Panacea for the Basher Bug

The Flu Bug is as old as the hills. But the Basher Bug is new; it came with VP Leni's announcement to run for president. Unlike the Flu Bug that afflicts you physically and makes you miserable for, at most, a week, the Basher Bug afflicts your self-respect, your soul, your middle, and makes you miserable for months on end. 

Why? Because you don't know where it's coming from. No rhyme, no reason. As Dr. Ambeth R. Ocampo, a noted historian and whose books/articles we love to read, said, bashing is a different kind of discourse.  

As a writer focused on the theme of grace, I am careful with the messages I write, especially online. I often agonize over misused words, misplaced commas, and grammatical lapses. Despite that, my posts (PINK campaign) were incessantly bashed—a new and noxious-to-the-nth-degree nightmare for me. 

Bashers are vile and vicious, spewing venom. They always pick a fight. They split hairs, claiming malice where there is none. They reply with fake news and expletives to make you feel dirty and small.  

I'd quickly block them, especially those with hidden profiles and shallow posts on their timeline.

But they are like bacteria, specifically the strains that double in size every 10 minutes and therefore produce more offspring than the combined weight of all organisms! They have a prodigious power of reproduction, because whoever hired them has an "unli" stash of cash.

These bacteria leave a gnawing feeling at the pit of the stomach and sometimes cause insomnia.  

But two days ago, while I was scrolling down my wall, this was re-uploaded by a kakampink. It was the one-letter reply of VP Leni's spokesperson, Atty. Barry Gutierrez III, to a cantankerous presidential candidate.

It shushed up the loquacious leech for good.

Immediately, I borrowed it as my reply to bashers. Eureka, it worked! 

Bashers/trolls don't know what to make of K. Is she agreeing? They stay quiet, as though tased. It has made blocking unnecessary. 

This one-letter-word capsule seems to have these ingredients: "I don't care." "Blab all you want." "It does not affect me." "Your comments are your baggage, not mine." "Wallow in your own blank blank blank." "C'est la vie." Plus, it has extra-strength Vitamin C, for courage to combat fake news and disinfomation. 

Well, what do you know!  Rx PINK panacea has slowed down my pulse rate. Dosage: as needed. It has allayed the toxic Basher Bug that used to bug/badger/bully/belittle/bait/bedevil me.  
Thank you, Dr. Barry.

On that note, I will cease writing PINK blogs. 

For now.

"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? (Matthew 6:27 NIV)

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