
Fad Diet

A fad diet, or novelty diet, is a program for losing weight that is popular for a time. It is similar to fads in fashion, which come and go. This diet promises unreasonably fast weight loss and health improvements.

Those who perceive themselves as being fat fall for a fad diet. Let me narrate a story that happened prior to the pandemic.

Deux at 5’7” (aged 32) weighed 200 pounds (from 140) after binge-eating during the Christmas season.

His close friends who saw him after his weight gain teased, “Oh, Santa Claus has not gone home!” 

Deux had had enough of their ribbing. He decided to follow a fad diet. He lost 25 pounds on the first week. Then on the second week, he was rushed to the hospital because of breathing difficulty. His body could not take the drastic diet change.  

Abandoning his fad diet, Deux’s body ballooned again—back to Santa Claus proportions. 

A fad diet can help one lose weight, but there are consequences. Unless the dieter goes through the process of changing his eating and other bad habits, he is likely to gain back his original weight. 

Deux’ doctor advised him to stop drinking and smoking, sleep eight hours a night, and  walk daily. In six months, he lost 30 pounds, and was on his way to his ideal weight.    

Our body is not our own; it’s grace from God, who bought it with a steep price.  

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, we are advised, “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” 

It is necessary for every believer in Jesus to take care of his body, instead of making excuses like, “Christmas eating comes only once a year.” I hope we remembered this and did not overeat last Christmas.   

 geriatric doctor said, “Many senior people today are on maintenance medicines because of ailments that could have been avoided had they taken care of their bodies in their younger years.”   


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