
One Grace Too Many

This piece has nothing to do with alcohol, which the phrase “one too many” refers to: an advanced state of inebriation. It has everything to do with Grace, my first name. 

Some of my friends (those new on socmed) complained that they could not find my page. They couldn’t guess who among the many Grace Chongs was moi. That was when I decided to include my middle name to, at least, make me distinct from the others with the same moniker. 

After counting those who share my name—more than a hundred—I almost passed out. How can I be so common? 

But that was before I discovered that there are over 79,000 John Smiths! 

“One grace too many” is the perfect phrase for the grace, not Grace Chong, that is dropped from the generous Giver from above.  His grace is unending and unstoppable; it falls and falls and spreads and spreads, like perpetual rain and flood. 

Let’s hold our breath for one second.  

Our continued breathing is grace. And that is just a teeny part of us. Medicine divides our psysiological system into: skeletal, nervous, muscular, respiratory, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular/circulatory, urinary, integumentary, reproductive, and digestive systems. Whew! 

What’s all this grace for? 

One of my favorite verses in the Bible, which I relish, answers this:  

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NKJV) 

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