
Anci with an E

This lovely little girl spells her name without an E, but in my heart of hearts, I see the Ethree E’s in fact, and all in caps: Engaging, Extraordinary, and Excellent. 

AnciE wote and illustrated a book when she was only seven years old! Two years later, today, she has an extraordinary portfolio of art and design, and she continues to write.  

I was (and still am) one excited recipient of two of her works when she and her parents visited the booth of OMF Lit at the Manila International Book Fair (MIBF) last Sunday.

I wish I had time to talk to her, but the booksigning for Lumpia Lane and my other books nailed me to my seat for more than an hour. 

Her book, Valerie's Life Lessons, is engaging. It is about values many people thrice her age will never learn in their lifetime. 

When AnciE's mom first uploaded to social media a photo of the first page of this book, with my name on it, my hands froze, unable to type a word of response. And when AnciE gave me a signed copy at the MIBF, I was tongue-tied. See, I drew an arrow to my name to flex it!  

I first met AnciE when I spoke at one of her school’s events, which the teachers and children her age attended. It was online, so there was no time for chats. 

On that grace meet-up I heard my adrenaline rushing, carrying an extra drop of grit to answer the children’s incisive, candid, and difficult questions. 

It is to the credit of her school, The Learning Tree, that talents such as AnciE’s are encouraged and honed for excellence. Many events that showcase the students' God-given gifts are mounted often so that other children (with the support of parents) who view/hear them can likewise be inspired to never rein in their creativity. 

Writing for (and with children like AnciE) is a ministry I will latch on to till the Lord whispers in my ear, Time's up. 


". . . whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me." (Matthew 18:5 NIV) 

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