
Entrance Fee

Tennis enthusiasts know all about Wimbledon, the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and is regarded by many as the most prestigious. One Wimbledon fan is Mabel, who never misses any tournament. 

She planned on going to the latest one (2019) but was complaining, “The entrance fee is too steep at P85,000! And the seat for that fee is too far away—the players would just be the size of my thumb!” 

“Just watch it on TV,” suggested her aunt, Sol. “You won’t spend a thing and you can watch the games up close.” 

“Oh, but there’s nothing like being surrounded by the roaring crowd!”  

“P85,000 entrance fee, plus plane fare and hotel accommodations could buy a car!” Sol added.  

There is a steep entrance fee to the venue/place of any important event. Some are higher than others, but one has to pay for the privilege of watching or participating.  

In contrast, the most important place of all—the kingdom of God—has no entrance fee. It is FREE. Jesus paid the price for us on the cross. The cost is on Him, and by His grace alone.  

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.” (Romans 3:23-24 NLT)

Without any entrance free, can everyone simply enter the Kingdom of God? 

Individually, we first need to acknowledge our spiritual drought and accept, by faith, God’s forgiveness for our sins. Then we are guaranteed a new life in Him—and when the time comes, eternal life with Him in that kingdom.  

Anybody in the world (regardless of race, language, country or culture) can enter a new life today because, by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, Jesus has paid our entrance fee! 

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