

Any corporation with a scheduled election of new officers usually sends all members a formal notice. It states the date, time, and place of the event. Attached to the letter is a proxy form, where a member, who cannot attend the meeting, can designate someone—a substitute—to take his place. 

The member has to brief his proxy thoroughly, so he would know how to act and what to say during the meeting. 

Proxies, however, usually don’t say anything—they are just a warm body who will vote for the pre-chosen candidates of the member they represent—because they are not privy to all the issues in the organization.  

Corporation members are valued in an organization. But no matter how dependent the organization is on them, they cannot always be there. Sometimes they are busy elsewhere or abroad. Sometimes, they are indisposed. Or sometimes, they have lost interest in the organization altogether and have moved to a new one.  

As is often said in the business circuit, “No one is indispensable.” This means, nobody is special. We can easily be X’d out by anyone who is just as qualified. Someone will always be available to take our place.  
But there is One who is indispensable. He can never be replaced or X’d out. 

He is never busy elsewhere, never indisposed, and never loses interest in you and me. He does not send any proxy to care for and guide us either. He is the only One Who dispenses grace to sustain us. 

“I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there.”  (Psalm 139:7-8) 

Corporation-member proxies are dispensable. So are corporation members in any organization. But God is indispensable in our life.

When is the best time to cling to God? Every moment, every day of our life. 

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