
Covid-19: Take Two

Had I written a blog two days ago, as I itched to do, it would have been a piece of disgrace. My mood was mercurial; a low-grade fever and sore throat kept kicking my sanity away. 

Not even a negative antigen test could dig me out of the dumps. So Tony called our doctor, who said I needed to take another antigen test after two days. Meanwhile, she ordered me to isolate and prescribed no medicine except an anti-fever. 

Son #3 offered his room; he moved to son #2's vacant room, where his doodads are set up for his online meetings. 

My second antigen test—positive?!  Why would this pest assault me twice?! Had I not followed all health protocols to the letter?!

Naturally, everyone has to be quarantined. 

Here I mope, with everyone at home 24/7 for the first time in years, yet couldn’t sociliaze with anyone except through my phone and laptop. 

What to do? Even with my Bible on my lap, JR’s books for the taking from his walls, crossword puzzles sent by Tony (these I devour on better days), my eyes and mind refuse to focus. 

“Remember your old love: piano hymns,” my fevered mind rasped. I search for videos on the Internet, and put on my ear phone.
Magic? Bliss? Grace. Healing grace. I now alternate piano hymns with tabernacle choirs. The lyrics have become my own, and God’s, reaching my core.  

From the lowest level of soil, my spirit lifts up, defying boundaries, and reaching  the clouds. I don’t know how to draw grace being everywhere, so I play around with images borrowed from the Net, hoping to describe the depths of feelings I could not put into words. 

I am not an artist (just a poor copy of one), but this “art” illustrates, for me, where the piano hymns of my youth have been taking me while I am by my lonesome.   

Title? “Breakthrough” (from the cage of ungrace, even before the next antigen test)    

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