
Seven Thank-Yous

“Have you written a book on gratefulness?” an old friend from Childlink Learning Center and Childlink High School, Inc. in Cebu messaged me.   

“Yes, I have." Angel with One Foot immediately came to mind.

“May we invite you again to read virtually the story to our students, their parents and teachers as part of our Leadership Development Program?” The school has intensified this program for positive character development. 

(Last year I read Lumpia Lane.

“What a privilege!” I replied. 

As I prepared my slides for D-Day, I ached for those times I was in Cebu visiting different schools, talking to my readers about reading and writing. But, Hey, being online is as much grace as flying there, the sane part of me reminded me.   

One sunny Friday morning, I turned on my screen and there they were! Grade school and high school children of various ages, plus their teachers and parents. 

No matter how often I have re-read or re-told the story, I hear a catch in my voice. The book, loosely based on a real incident shared with me by my husband, speaks of the value of gratitude that must be a huge part of us.   

Let me paraphrase a nugget of wisdom from a book: "What’s great about gratefulness is that the more you choose it, the easier it gets. The more you are thankful, the more you notice things to be grateful for.” 

Yes, it is a most beautiful mindset. 

Before reading the story, I asked, "Have you ever seen angel?" 

Angel with One foot is about a lady on crutches because she had only one foot. She helped a poor little girl in need by buying all her seven unsold newspapers with cash far more than their cost. 

Unfortunately, the little girl failed to thank her because she had left too quickly. Since then it has been the prayer of the little girl, as she grew up, to meet the lady with one foot again so she could thank her.

Many years later, with the help Mateo, she met the angel and finally was able to say seven thank-yous, one for each of the newspapers the angel with one foot bought from her. 

The book defines an angel as anyone who does someone a good turn. So, “Have you ever seen an angel?” 

We all have. And the more we are grateful, the more we see more of them.    

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