
16 Was Unforseen

 These leaves complete their 16th year this month. I didn’t plan it that way. 

When I started blogging in November 2006, I thought I couldn’t maintain the rhythm (twice a week) I ambitiously assigned myself. A year was all I thought I could manage. 

Writing, however, has become a huge part of me. 

There are just too many things to write about—24/7 is hardly enough.  Between book and article writing marathons, and reading the Word, which require a lot of musing and reflecting, I’d use the idea overflow on a blog or two. 

What I called on day one as “leaves of grace” has remained unchanged, because indeed, leaves are those pages upon pages of words about a Saviour Who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

But technology has taken a quantum leap upward and forward: new complicated features, new layout and art styles, new sites, new information, new attachments for gadgets, plus many more. This torrent of breakthroughs I have embraced, with joy and gratitude.   

It’s been like joining the big league of techies. Although I could never keep up, I relish trying. 

“Wow, did you actually do the collage in your last blog?!” my artist friend asked, with unhidden skepticism. 

Hah! I suprised her with many more after that. 

Seriously, blogging about grace keeps me renewed, despite the increasing struggles of aging like joint aches and pains, insomnia, indigestion, failing eyesight, plus waning interest in shopping. 

“. . . we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:15-16 NIV)

Oh, my numbers? 

    • Over 1,650 blogs 
    • About 1.2 million guests 
    • Unnumbered change of headers 
    • 16 years of daily grace 

Photo credits: shutterstock.com and unsplash