
All I Have Needed

November, thanksgiving month in some parts of the world, has come and gone. But we can't stop giving thanks. 

“A Thankful Church” was the theme of Pastor Moe's message from our pulpit one Sunday last month.  He, who grew up listening to messages from the same pulpit, journeyed faraway and reached those parts of the road pockmarked with potholes, before taking a U-turn and slowly headed back home.    

Little wonder, then, that he exclusively and passionately preached about being grateful. 

He began by citing the ingrates in the Bible story about the 10 lepers, dregs and pariahs of society. They were freed from these burdens when Jesus healed them. How tragic that only one, a Samaritan at that, went back to thank the Healer. 

Pastor Moe then asked what many of us are guilty of:   

In truth, there are always so much and so many to be grateful for—too numerous to count and list—about our church.    

For 47 years, our village place of worship stood tall, despite some turbulence and turmoil within. Now, Pastor Moe works with our pastor-in-charge, many years his senior albeit still young in numerical age—Pastor Popoy. Hand-in-hand they chart with our church board the future of our ministry, with urgency, as the second coming is at hand.   

What better way to demonstrate this working together than through a duet of  How Great Thou Art.  And even better for me, as I was attending the sevice online, I sang along with them. 

Every day, every hour, every second, and every millisecond are the best times for us to thank the Giver of grace for all we have needed.  

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