
Three in One (Part 1)

If these three words sound like a bargain, they are.  Not only do they save money, they make you spend less time, effort, and everything in between. 

Coffee connoisseurs, like my three sons and husband, laugh at my love for three-in-one, but what do they know? 

Sons #1 and #3 bought a coffee maker, for which, I suspect, they pooled their resources equally and paid an arm and a leg, because they hover and fuss over it before they can drink the freshly brewed black liquid that it spits out in trickles. 

Tony is the beneficiary of the two boys’ investment. 

Moi? This has been my brand for years (Malaysian coffee). Son #1 orders it for me online because it is no longer available in stores since the beginning of the pandemic. 
All I need to do is snip a corner, pour half of the brownish powder into my mug, add boiling water and ta-da! It gives me about 10 minutes of unbridled joy while I read the newspapers (paper version) and solve their crossword puzzles.  The other half I take in the afternoon with my snack while reading a book—with my feet up. Bliss. 

If I need to go somewhere, I throw a pack into my purse and enjoy the half elsewhere and the remaining half at home (or wherever I might still be). Why half?

My doctor advised me against drinking coffee because of my acid reflux. So behind her back, I compromised. A pack, taken in two servings, does not put me in the category of coffee drinker, does it?  

My three-in-one coffee is not the only thing I pay homage to. There is another three-in-one grace that the Lord blessed me (our home) with. 

But that ode deserves a blog all its own.  

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