

Can you think of anything more delicious than a holiday with family? I can’t. 

A holiday is a dish that combines the authentic ingredients of idling, laughing, relaxing, exchanging gifts, bantering, reminiscing, feasting, and simply being. Now, add the exotic flavor enhancer called family and wow, it’s nothing but a chef-d'oeuvre

After almost three years of being corralled by Covid-19 at home, Tony, two of our three sons, and I finally dared risk spending precious two days bonding with my siblings and their families who reside in the Philippines. 

We met on the 69th floor of an airbnb building, where we had an unrestricted view (and mind tour) of the whole of Makati and neighboring districts. It’s the next best thing to visiting them all. 

There were 14 of us—divided right down the middle: seven seniors and seven fireballs. Again it’s the next best thing to having the complete family together (19 are in the US and Australia).  

During these difficult times, we make do with what is available to us (these are more than we deserve, actually) and be exceedingly grateful for them. 

Within those two days, we watched old videos and laughed till we cried;  played games like Jeopardy and Bingo, the mechanics of which the seniors never got right; had meals—some room-cooked, some in restos across the street; attended our 78th Clan Reunion online where we worshiped the Lord together and honored traditions of remembering loved ones now in home eternal. After that, our mikes were unmuted and a rowdy tete-a-tete went into many chaotic directions. It was perfect. 

One of my nephews bought a high-end camera to document his first born’s birth. But the birth is yet to come, so the 69th floor denizens were beneficiaries of his test shots. 

My siblings, except for Earl in Australia, and I
Yet no state-of-the-art camera can ever capture or record the grace of bliss. Again, the next best thing is to borrow emojis to see and listen to the fullness of joy. 

Taken together, these emojis taste familicious. 

We pray for a blessed 2023.  "Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil." Proverbs 4:25-27 NLT

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