
24-Hour Love Collage

Separated by time and space, exacerbated by the pandemic, my siblings and I have not seen each other for almost three years. We had to make do with group chats and photos sent via cyberspace. 

But nothing can take the place of face-to-face get-together—hugging, chatting, catching up, reminiscing, and doing everything together. 

We had that rare chance this month, but only for 24 hours.  My brother Earl and his wife, Tess, are on a short 13-day visit from Australia, so their schedule is tight.  

We were ecstatic when they said they would hop over to our place with four others—my sister, sis-in-law, and niece. Bliss. 

A blog is not enough to record all the wondrous things that happened. I made a collage of all our photos shared on the Net by whomever took them to document the love. 

But then, again, love cannot be recorded with words and images. Only our heart can, and only by grace.
John 15:12: "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."

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