
A Celebratory Selfie

In Chicago, when I was young and restless, I aced my class in photography. I only had what we called a Brownie camera in those days, while my classmates had professional doodads.  

But my teacher always gave me an A+ for creativity in all assignments, because every single one was out-of-the-box.  Unfortunately, all those shots were part of my portfiolio which became school property. I misplaced the negatives and never got them reprinted. 

Today, photography is a different ballgame. Cameras now are part of our phones and selfies are as  natural as breathing.  

Born in the Jurassic period, I don’t take selfies. But one day this love month, I was in a celebratory mood. My sister messaged me that my “change of name” to my real name, Grace, has been approved by the powers-that-be. Finally I got rid of Mary Grace!  So I took a selfie of Grace to commemorate the breakthrough. 

As you can see, it’s anything but celebratory. How can a photographer angle a camera properly when the subject is herself? The lights, shadows, composition, distance—they could not be tamed. Where has “say cheese” gone? 

Nonetheless, no one can crush a cheerful spirit. I uploaded my non-celebratory, celebratory selfie to mark the special day. It got over 300 heart emojis.   

Just about the same time. I received a digital portrait of me from a friend.  I uploaded it also to my FB page, and it got over 300 emojis! This is his perception of me, wow, a far cry from my somber selfie, which is my reality. 

The only similarity between them is the  color PINK.  

Both perception and reality celebrate the day I am finally and legally the Grace I have always been. 

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverb 17:22 

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