
Tools, Not Schools

Many people today (and that includes me) rely on the Internet too much that we take what we read as gospel truth—and so they become schools, institutions for education. 

Google is now also a verb—a useful action word when we want quick answers to our questions. Professors scratch their heads (or bang them on the wall?) when they read student papers with cyber info put together, minus critical thinking. 

And today, the chatbot is all the rage. All one has to do is ask a question and voila, the answer comes! 

Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant are now members of many households. Then just recently, ChatGPT was launched to answer questions of practically anything on many areas of endeavor.  

The sad truth is, Internet data and information are simply tools. We still need to sift, analyze, and re-check them before we come into conclusions. 

I tried chatGPT to test how accurate it is. I used myself as guinea pig because only I know all facts about me. All the areas underlined in red are either wrong or no data.   

In sum, this chatbot does not really collate all Internet data—not about me anyway. It gives erroneous information that could mislead all readers, except me.  

My advice to students and to everyone, including me, is: let us look at information from the Net, no matter how advanced the creators claim it is, as simply TOOLS. They are not substitute for SCHOOLS. 

Critical thinking is key to learning. We need to listen to our professors or our bosses, or those who have the original, authentic wisdom and knowledge that the Internet appropriates for popularity, and eventually for money. 

"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." (James 1:5 NLT)

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