
Is Everything Okay?

Yes, everything seems "okay" these end times. What used to be abominations are now accepted in society and are even cheered and applauded. 

To name a few: Spare the rod in disciplining a child; celebrate in public same-sex marriage as you would for a man and woman’s; allow premarital sex between couples who are in a relationship. 

More: Praise smart lawyers who defend killers in broad daylight, to get away with the crime—with no questions by authorities; ignore bitter rifts caused by politics among friends and families; idolize financially corrupt and morally bankrupt celebrities; worry not about biblical values totally slipping away; plus even more.

This social media fashion meme says it all.  Literally, waistlines can now be necklines; pants legs can now be arm sleeves. Weird, but today, this is "normal" and even considered cool and creative.   

My son #1, who sometimes share my home office, and I chat about the apocalypse as foretold in the Bible. 

The original word in Greek is apokalypsis. It means an unveiling, a revelation.  It’s not just about the world’s end, but making us see many things hidden before. There are today deeper truths being unveiled.

Kingdoms are rising against kingdoms (wars); aside from the pandemic, hundreds of billions of locusts are swarming East Africa; Satanism has become visibly blatant; wildfires, heatwaves, global warming have ravaged many countries, killing an untold number of people and animals.

Dr. David Jeremiah, a US pastor, asked: "Is the coronavirus a biblical prophecy? It seems to be “the most apocalyptic thing that has ever happened to us." 

The most apocalyptic narrative is, of course, the book of Revelation. It tells about the defeat of an evil beast, a final divine judgment and the coming of a New Jerusalem.

As Christians, however, we find hope in a divine promise that God has saved us for eternity. Regardless of what happens in the world, we have that confidence.

Every year, during Holy Week, we recall man's sinfulness and Jesus' suffering for us on the cross, as reminders of God’s redemption. Then on Easter (Resurrection Sunday), to all those who believe, all abominations will be behind us. 

Light at last, and everything will be okay when our mortal life or the world ends (whichever comes first)—in fact and in truth—forever and ever.    

"God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it."  Ephesians 2:8-9 (NLT) 

Every day is Resurrection Sunday in our soul!   


  1. Thank you po tita Grace!

  2. Great reminder to be vigilant because no matter the tribulations and the blatant attempt by the devil to destroy us, we are His. And we're safe in His mighty arm. Thanks, Grace.
