
Dewi Sri Farm: Encore

One day is simply not enough to take in all the treasures at Dewi Sri, a 10-hectare, Bali-inspired farm in Pila, Laguna. We were there exactly a year ago for an overnight stay. 

Although my heart brimmed with wonders to have written an ode to the place then, I knew there was more to uncover in this hidden paradise, tucked away from the highway.  

This second time around, we stayed for two nights; indeed, the bliss doubled. 

In the province where I grew up, farms were our playground, so the memories of those bygone days come alive at Dewi Sri. As for Tony and my boys—all born and bred in Manila—these are novel experiences and therefore, mind-bending.  

In this resort-farm, the efficient staff and everything else are authentic. Preservatives and chemicals are not welcome. You wake up and turn in with the best in nature surrounding your every move: birds, fowls, fish, flowers, vegetables, trees, rocks, rivers, ponds, fresh air and clear, blue skies. The sights and sounds seem to come directly from the heavens. 

Let me call this encore of a visit a perfect getaway, far from the madding crowd. All-natural and freshly-picked food served on a dining table—open to the scenic terrain—elevate eating from a ritual to a rite.    

Every nook is restful, calm, and an ideal spot for communing with God. I couldn’t take enough photos to show what a healing environment is like. 

Again, we had the pool all to ourselves; the music in our cottage was a chorale magnifique of tweeting birds, clucking chickens, singing geckos, whispering trees, humming waters, and whistling breeze. 

My collage below is just an overture of what you would enjoy at Dewi Sri. No, I am not a paid blogger for this edenic place. I was one paying guest (c/o son #3), but as I have rhapsodized above, every cent was all about the Creator's grace.  

“. . . ask the animals, and they will teach you,
    or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
    or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know
    that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
    and the breath of all mankind.”

Job 12:7-10 (NIV) 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a very nice place. What is the exact address and how much is the e accommodation and food? How do we book and reserve?
