
Second Opinion

 Intestinal gas had always been Yoly’s problem. All she would do was take an antacid pill and the pain would be gone in minutes. This time around, however, no antacid worked.  In fact, the pain in the pit of her tummy was so unbearable she went to see a doctor.  

“Ultrasound,” the doctor ordered. “I want to know where the pain is coming from.” 

The ultrasound revealed a mass in her intestine, so the doctor required biopsy, which would confine Yoly in the hospital.  

Yoly was not convinced so she sought out a second opinion. 

After reading Yoly’s ultrasound, the second doctor said all the things Yoly wanted to hear: change of diet and medication for two weeks. 

In two weeks, Yoly’s pain subsided, but in another month, she was fighting for her life in the hospital: pancreatic cancer, just as the first doctor suspected.  

Research reveals that many people, like Yoly, seek out information that supports their position. We have our own idea about what ails us, so we avoid people who challenge our opinion. We avoid wise advice if it isn’t what we want to hear.  

Such is the experience of many Christians today. Scripture is clear, “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14 NLT) 

“I’ve tried sharing this message to someone dear a few times,” a frustrated friend complained to her dad, “but he asserts another opinion that justifies his way of life.”  

Her dad replied calmly, “As boundless as God’s grace is, our perseverance should likewise be the same. We should keep trying . . . and trying . . . and trying to help an unbeliever find the gateway to life.” Amen. 

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