
The Thief of Joy

"What is the thief of joy?” I asked this in the context of Marketing in my Consumer Behaviour class.  

The answer of course is “comparison.” 

If you thought you got a good price for an apple at P10.00, you feel content and joyful. However, if your neighbor shows you exactly the same kind of apple and says, “Hey look! I got this on sale for only P8.00!” 

Your joy is suddenly seized from you. 

Marketers study consumer behaviour closely so they can craft a good, competitive strategy. In purchasing anything, consumers find joy in a brand that is “er” (better, cheaper, bigger, etc.) than others. No wonder Theodore Roosevelt is often quoted by Marketing students.  

In the context of life, however, comparison degenerates to envy, jealousy, anger, fear, insecurity, bitterness, plus all the emotions that are the opposite of joy. 

Comparison becomes competition—we feed our ego, grab selfish ambition, and breed conceit to be above others. 

This is a classic example: when our former President was being compared with then VP Leni in helping people in need, he went berserk and castigated her, “Do not compete with me!” and uttered words I dare not repeat.   

What does Scripture tell us about comparison

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:2-4 (NIV) 

As we continue to rejoice in the Grace birthed on Christmas, and the salvation He gifted mankind, may we be grateful for our blessings. 

Humility will guard our joy, so it may not be filched by a thief called comparison.  

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