
Second Chances: Now a Book

On this same day last year, I received an email with a message that pulled my heart in opposite directions.   

It was from Daff, the Editorial Manager of Church Strengthening Ministry (CSM), one of my publishers. CSM is always on the look-out for what readers need to help bring them closer to Jesus.  

“Here's a topic we feel might be good for our next book project with you:
Second chances/moving forward after disappointment, rejection/heartbreak, failure/wrong decisions, or loss.

"This would appeal to both boomers and millennials. Most people have experienced having doors closing on opportunities, relationships, hopes and dreams, or on a former way of life, especially during this pandemic. But such painful occasions can lead to new ventures.

"We remember how you became an award-winning author after your career in advertising unexpectedly ended! 

"Let us know if this is a topic that would interest you as a writer.” 

I looked back on all the second chances given me and I could not even begin to count them. But I had roadblocks: the health protocols have not been lifted and face-to-face meet-ups might not be possible; worse, would others share their second-chances stories with me? 

More than enough did!  

Through marathon talks over coffee or lunch, and online back-and-forth chats and messages, I was moved by the many stories of second chances. How God turned their struggles around was an affirmation of His love for all who come to Him. 

Each narrative is unique, but unified by willingness to cling on to the Lord, then enter a new season with a stronger desire to follow Him through the rest of the journey. Should they (and we) fall again, we are assured that the God of second chances will generously bestow his grace twice, thrice, multiplied countless times—till earthy life ends.  

In all 11 stories, God stretches his patience far longer than we think possible. In His own perfect time, His grace dashes in, and makes us begin new seasons of unimaginable high from a lowest low.  "Unli" second chances no less—until we get it right with Him. 

Second Chances, the book, is about: lessons learned, hope regained, and life redirected. 

It was launched at the Manila International Book Fair last month (September). 

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