
Still Keen at 17

Leaves of Grace completes 17 years or 6,209 days this November. No matter how I measure it, it is undoubtedly a mighty long time to maintain a writing rhythm that began on week one—two blogs within seven or eight days—and still packing. 
It wasn’t a commitment or a promise etched in stone. It just happened because the joy of writing has stuck to me like super glue: more like grace that can never be shaken.    

For this, I celebrate. The Bible encourages us to make celebration a part of the regular rhythm of our lives. 

“This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  Psalm 118:24 (ESV)

    •  Over 1,763 blogs (112 published from last year’s anniversary, plus 46 scheduled) 
    •  About 1.3 million guests

Peachy keen? IMAO

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