
Two Elusive, Extraordinary Books

Twin grace I called it when I got hold of two books—on the same day and at the same hour—that bookworms may have a hard time finding. 

They are as different as day and night: one is a political book based on hard facts and actual episodes seen up close; the other is based on one’s imagination, a creative mind’s fancy, seen from the wild blue yonder. 

But both are a riveting read. 

In my right hand is Patricia Evangelista’s first-person account of the blood and gore caused by the EJK, and in my left is my good friend’s obra, Tomas Palces, Jr.’s first novel. 

“Some People Need Killing” is always out of stock in book stores. “Luza” can only be purchased from Tom and he lives outside of Metro Manila. 

Finally holding both is as rare as catching an eel after the nth try with bare hands. It has to be documented. 

And so I had my photo taken, before my eyes excitedly seesawed from the real and the unreal.  

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