
What We Mean by Meme

Meme is relatively a new word that has become a huge part of social media language today. 

It originated from the Greek word mimema, meaning imitated. It was shortened and introduced in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist and book author Richard Dawkins in his work The Selfish Gene. 

A meme (/miːm/ MEEM) is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads through imitation from person to person within a culture. It often carries symbolic meaning representing a phenomenon or theme. 

It was hijacked by social media and now it means: a kind of joke or idea spread through the internet using altered pictures or videos. 

Here’s one that caught my eye because in one go, it humorously describes what the Christmas season has brought upon Metro Manila.   

Because of fair use, anyone can create or share memes, like I am doing, without fear of being sued—unless it is used for commerical puproses. 

A few tidbits on the scientist who invented the word: “He is a proponent of atheism, the critique and denial of metaphysical beliefs in a god or spiritual beings. Much of Dawkins's work has generated debate for asserting the supremacy of science over religion in explaining the world.” (Britannica) 

As the celebration of Christmas continues in this part of the world, I affirm my belief in the truth of the Holy Birth in this passage from the good book. 

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 (NIV) 

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