
Chain Reaction

Micky, his older sister, and their parents are active in church, serving Jesus in various ministries with a passion. 

It was not always that way. 

After Micky had learned about Jesus’ love for him and received Him as his Savior, his parents were livid. They belonged to a different faith and were extremely disappointed that Mickey had turned away from it. They instructed Micky’s Ate to go with him to church and keep a close eye on him. 

In church, Ate got caught up in Jesus’ wonderful story of grace and love for sinful people like her. It wasn’t long till she realized she needed Jesus and became a believer herself. 

Their parents were now agitated. They had to see for themselves what was happening to their children in church. They sneaked in the church while the midweek service was ongoing and sat at the back which was unlit. It was at this time that the pastor began his message. As they listened, the powerful Word of God penetrated both their hearts and as soon as the service was over, they both went to their children, and asked how they, too, could join the family of Christ.   

This chain reaction is not surprising. 

It happened to Micky’s family and it can happen to any family. 

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires." (Hebrews 4:12 NLT) 
Since that midweek service, father, mother, Ate, and Micky have been working together, trying to duplicate the chain reaction that happened to their family. 

Many books inform, but only one transforms—the Bible. 

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