
Nerd Cred

A Nerd is defined as someone overly intellectual, obsessive, introverted, or lacking social skills.  He prefers to be alone working on his computer or spending time on his interest and shuns parties attended by people outside his circle of friends. 

The three-year pandemic did not exactly turn me into a nerd, but I earned enough nerd cred to enable me to have lenghty discussions with nerds.

Nerd cred? Hah, that's a new phrase for me too. I learned it from a crossword puzzle. 

Nerd Cred: the points one gets by doing nerdy things. These are suposed to make one cooler and able to have lengthy discussions with other nerds.  

My earned points are phenomenal. I have gone back to re-reading the literary classics and have begun reading Theology dissertations to help me facilitate our women's Sunday school. 

Even if health restrictions have been lifted, I still prefer to solve word puzzles and work on my computer than attend a party. I have turmed down invitations to many. I have also passed up opportunites for book talks and book signing. Not because I have no interest in any, but because of this. 

The last trip we took as a family last month incarcerated us on the road for hours. It's a bit (no, a lot!) of a torture that raises stress to its peak level if you need to go to the toilet/CR. 

So yes, I am okay with staying home, earning nerd cred every single day. I find grace here or it finds me. Now, cyber friends, can you introduce me to a nerd I can engage in a discourse?  

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