
Are We Heading South?

Heading South or going south is an expression people use when things are deteriorating or becoming worse. It refers to compasses and two-dimensional maps where north is up and south is down. 
This is a blog site on grace and not on politics, but the wranglings of two camps that were once called UniTeam and promised unity during the political campaign are too noisy to ignore. 

Adding to our many problems (learning poverty, high prices, horrific traffic, cyber scams, etc.) in this country, this war is making us go south too quickly. 

On January 29, two opposing events happened simultaneously.  

One, Pres. Bongbong rebranded his administration's direction with a new logo and a slogan, “Bagong Pilipinas” in a lavish manner. Crowds were hauled to attend it. Entertainers and speeches of platitudes highlighted the concert/extravaganza that cost taxpayers 16 million pesos.  

Two, a Candlelight Prayer Rally in Davao City to oppose charter change (particularly the People's Intiative) was attended by Ex-President Digong and the mayor  (father and son). In his speech, the mayor asked the president to resign because he is “lazy  and has no compassion for people.” Digong, in an expletive-laden speech, accused the president of being a cocaine addict.  

The following day, the president accused Digong of being addicted to Fentanyl, which might have affected his brain. 

The following day, too, many comments tried to explain the dirty verbal war, the causes of which an ordinary mortal like me can never guess. As it degenerates to gutter level, many applaud it.   

“Digong resented the fact that the president did not prevent the ICC from investigating his tokhang program."  

“There is a high chance that former Pres. Duterte and his children are being urged by China to destabilize the current Marcos administration . . .backing the Dutertes to take over the country's leadership, while making use of the opportunity to try to topple the Marcos administration to escape a possible arrest by the ICC. In return, a new leadership under a Duterte will most lilely stay quiet on Chinese domination in the West Philippine Sea, and will push for reduced cooperation with the US and its other partners like Australia, Japan and Europe.” 

China? US? Greed? Ego? We are indeed going south.  

What will happen tomorrow? 

“. . . do not be anxious . . . 'What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:31-34 ESV)

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