
Who Reads Bio-notes?

First off, what is a bio-note? It is short for biographical note; ergo, it's hyphenated. It is evolving into one word, but up until it appears in legitimate dictionaries, I will use the hyphen. (Hah, a stickler for rules!) 

The publishers of my books always require an updated bio-note for every new book. They say it helps establish the author's credibility, provides context for the work, and facilitates their networking and marketing (on various media) goals.  

Net net, a bio-note is written for adults, including those who purchase storybooks for children. 

Was I surprised when I saw this photo on the FB page of Aklatang Tambayan ng Kabataan Paranas Chapter.
The little girl (about 6 or 7 years old) is so intent in reading my bio-note instead of reading the storybook like what all the others inside the classroom are doing!  

What could be running in her mind? 

My bio-note summarizes awards, educational attainment, current persuasions, and professional involvement—all adult stuff.  


Admonition to self: Do not put children in boxes. There are those—like this kid above—who go against the grain. That is what you preach in all your book talks before young, would-be authors. 

How I wish I could meet this little girl!    

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