
Instant Friends

Thelma was running late and imagining dire scenarios. Her mother, who was traveling for the first time from the Philippines to Melbourne, Australia, must now be feeling nervous, or disoriented, or lost in the airport crowd. 

Was she surprised when she saw her talking animatedly with another lady.  

“Mommy!” Thelma exclaimed, hugging her Mom, who was oblivious to her daughter’s  arrival.   

“I gotta go, Sining,” Thelma’s mom waved goodbye to the lady she was talking to. “See you on Sunday!”  

Inside the car, Thelma apologized for arriving late. 

“No problem,” her mother replied. “Sining kept me company.” 

“Your friend?” asked Thelma.  

“Well, since we met at the airport, yes. She has lived in this city for years, and she invited me to her church this Sunday. Would you drive me there?”  

This usually happens when faith brethren meet for the first time. Although they are actually strangers, they feel like instant friends.   

Pastor Joe, a missionary, confirmed this. “In all the churches where I speak abroad, I am welcomed like an old friend.” 

Our Friend and Savior Jesus Christ unlocks doors for us to enter. That’s why there is an immediate welcome from and connection with a stranger when he finds out that you both know Jesus. It’s like reconnecting with an old friend. In John 15:13 (NLT), we read about what friendship is, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” 

Belonging to the family of believers is comforting. “Respect everyone, and love the family of believers. Fear God, and respect the king.” (1 Peter 2:17)

Jesus is the mutual Friend of His followers. He joins hearts around the world and encircles them with His grace.  

Those who are in Christ, although strangers at first, become instant friends.  
Photo credit: Original painting by James Coates Fine Arts

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