
Old Habits Die

Let me delete “hard,” the last word from that idiom. Because old habits can die sooner or later. 

When our three sons were young, up until the pandemic, eating out was part of our routine.  There was not a Sunday (or some other day) that we did not go out to share a meal at our favorite or a new place. 

I am not blaming the pandemic for that habit now dead. I am bragging about Mother Teresa, the househelp who has stuck it out with us since the beginning of the three-year lockdown and learned to cook every cuisine you can think of, courtesy of You Tube and authentic ingredients ordered by son #3 online. 

She could actually mimic any cuisine served at our once-favorite dining places—and often does them better! 

The only time we dine out now is when there is a celebration with invited guests, clan, or friends. 

But there was that one time last year when we decided to spend our weekend at our favorite resort. Alas, the place has morphed into something unrecognizable and forgettable (especially the food). We ditched what would have been our last meal there and went instead to try an Italian restaurant that son #3 said be spotted on our way to the resort. 

It was a decision we all enjoyed. And JR’s driver, Sammy, who has begun making money on vlogs, documented it. Two pictures show our joy and upbeat expectation of the food yet to be served. 

Unsolicited review of the food at Amare on a scale of 1-5:  

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