
Reflective Seminar

This concept is an adaptation of  "reflective learning," documented from the works of Dewey (1938) and Schon (1983). It’s defined as “focus on the development of critical-thinking skills through the internal process of examining strengths and exploring areas for improvement.” 

The learner therefore clarifies concepts/theories from his own understanding and cognition. 

Knowing how long I have been a teacher, son #3 (head of our church’s Discipleship Ministry) asked me to facilitate a seminar for our brethren who teach (Sunday school VBS, small groups, evangelism, etc.).


These teachers belong to different age groups, have varied experiences, and are all volunteers! The seminar would be unlike those held in businesses, where everyone is a paid employee. 

My thought balloon: I can’t ram down their throats what I know about teaching. So I mined the good Book for wisdom and begged the Lord for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

So there—reflective seminar:    

"As teachers, we all need to look inside of us," I began. Then I presented the meaning of EXCELLENCE, as defined by the Lord, and asked questions based on Scripture, peppered with stories of my own failures and successes as a part-time college teacher for more than 20 years. 

Again, I adapted Start, Stop, Continue (a retrospective exercise used in workplaces) but tweaked it by beginning with Stop. By knowing our weaknesses, first of all, we can devise ways to turn them into strengths through concrete plans.  

The seminar was from 9 AM to 2 PM, with a break for lunch. 

Thirty teachers for Jesus received their Certificate of Completion, which is simply the starting gun in the run toward excellence. 

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