

That word describes how I feel whenever I turn on my computer. Although I am excited to write my next book or blog, I warm up by wandering to social media. Toxic, indeed! 

Half truths, fake news, plus AI generated words and images have altered the world I grew up in. Click baits are pits that can snare anyone unaware. 

Just recently, the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics triggered heated discussions and mudslinging. I had to do research to find out what is true or false—and decided to stay away from the narrative. 

I wonder why I hardly read my friends’ posts anymore. In their place are ads, vlogs of known and unknown personalities, and short reels and videos. Someone mentioned algorithm—what’s that? To keep my sanity, I retreat to my own files, blogsites of faith brethren and my favorite authors, and write some more.  

A dear faith sister, Billie, was suddenly rushed to the hospital last week because of irregular heartbeat and blood pressure. Now finally back at home, she is still prohibited by her doctors to read the newspapers, turn on her computer, watch TV, or use her cellphone. I am tempted to follow those orders.

But God's grace gives us a respite from this toxicity. I saw real flowers in a farm (Dewi Sri) that we retreated to last month. I requested my daughter-in-love, a seasoned photographer, to take pictures because the flowers I now see online are altered by technology.

Aren’t these lovely? They are as real as God created them. Toxicity begone! 

"Consider how the wildflowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” (Luke 12:27 NIV) 

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