
Googleganger (1)

I can’t get over this new word in my vocabulary in 2008! Thanks to the American Dialect Society which voted it as the most creative word in the year that was:


It’s defined as, "a person with your name who shows up when you Google yourself.”

I have always wondered about my namesakes—who might they really be. With this new word, I googled myself again (vanity, vanity) and what do you know? One of them really shocked me. She holds a world record for something so notorious I can’t even print it.

There aren’t too many of us. And what we have in common is just our name. One is young enough to be my granddaughter, one lives on the opposite side of the planet, and another one is some kind of a science genius.

Why not try discovering who your googlegangers are? You’re in for a lot of surprises.

Photo credit

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