
Googleganger (2)

I tried to google myself again for the second consecutive day (vanity is endless). This time I was even more curious as to what I would discover further.
Alas, I didn’t find any more interesting googleganger. But I uncovered a few things written about me. One is in a blog of an 18-year-old girl. She listed me as one of her favorite book authors, alongside legends! She wrote . . .

“(my name) . . . is a local author in the Philippines and I really love her works. She wrote the "Oh Mateo!" Series, "Hello God!" Prayer books for kids, and "The Magic of Apo Mayor". Yes, I know I'm too old for these books but I really cherish her works.”

My heart leapt to my throat.

And her other favorite authors?

“J.K. Rowling - Hello?!?!? Do I have to say more? She's absolutely, positively amazing!

“C.S. Lewis - He's practically a legend at his game! All his works are written greatly.

“Lemony Snicket - He specializes in the drama category and is a real master. He may write about gloomy stuff but he rocks!!”

I came off my perch—“absolutely, positively” humbled. I may never earn my right—not in a zillion years—to be in the same league as these super authors, especially C.S. Lewis who is my all-time favorite children’s book writer, but I am “absolutely, positively” grateful that in the mind of an 18-year-old I have.

There are a few other blogs that mention my work, but my eyes are smarting and I feel so inadequate to key them in. I will simply write them in my heart and relish the beat of God’s glorious grace there.

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