
February Blessings

In two days it will be March.

February has been an unusually busy month for me.    

I’ve been mostly at home—in my little corner pounding on my keyboard non-stop—writing the third volume of my book, Gifts of Grace

It’s coming along fine, thank you.

At the end of each day, I am spent—heart, body and soul—but happy. I realize that this feeling comes not so much from a sense of fulfillment as from a higher Source, for whom I do what I do. “And from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” (John 1:16)

In February, too, we found a reason to celebrate. My one and only grandson (nine months old now) was dedicated to the Lord, officiated by my older brother, Pastor Fed.

Although 13,000 miles away, we were with Adrian through photos sent by his parents. “Isn’t he lovely?” Grace upon grace indeed.


  1. You have a very handsome and adorable looking grandson ate. It's fun to read your blogs. I'm also slowly finding time to polish my writing and do my blog entries. Truly a time that helps me de-stress from the concerns of the world.



  2. Hi, Lynnie,

    Yeah, in my unbiased opinion, ain't he lovely! Haha! And yeah, blogging is de-stressing. Write on. Hope to see you again soon.
